"about" Immortal Technique

....I'm not gonna tell you about how he was born in Peru, raised in Harlem.......spent some time in jail........and then grew up to become a HUGE force in the underground/independent music scene as well as a very active member of many charitable and revolutionary causes/movements.............if you're here.......you already know this.........

....what I would like to do here, is provide info/links about what he's trying to say (lol.....as best as I can interpret....), new info about his music and endeavors..........pics, videos, etc..........

.....anyone who would like to contribute any type of info/links, please feel free........

...."wiki" bio for Immortal Technique....


....his webpage...



Friday, April 17, 2009

I just finished writing a song with BuckShot & KRS1. I am tired and I am going to bed, I got studio tomorrow. Don't fuckin call me.

I am never tired, I never rest, or retreat. I keep fighting, and when I die God will reward me by sending me back here in different time to do the same thing in another capacity. Viva la Revolucion.